Thriving in the Classroom

A digital toolkit to support resilience in post-secondary educators and their students

Academic Resilience

Helping students embrace and learn from failure

Failure is a critical component of learning; however, students often view failure in a negative light.

How can we encourage students to see the value of failure, learn how to fail well and become resilient learners?

This recorded lecture by Fiona Rawle, PhD, Associate Dean at the University of Toronto explores the literature on productive failure and resiliency-building approaches in academia.

It also dives into a novel course reframing called FLIP (Failure: Learning in Progress). The purpose of the FLIP course reframing project is to:

  1. Establish instructional tools and approaches for teaching students to embrace and learn from failure
  2. Develop both formative and summative assessment methods for failure bounce back
  3. Create a resource of failure narratives that can be used in courses across disciplines.

In addition, Dr. Rawle explores how online instruction may offer additional opportunities for the teaching of failure and resiliency.