Journal articles
- Academic resilience: underlying norms and validity of definitions
- Academic resilience in education: the role of achievement goal orientations
- Academic buoyancy: Towards an understanding of students’ everyday academic resilience
- Learning analytics messages: Impact of grade, sender, comparative information and message style on student affect and academic resilience
- Academic Resilience Among Undocumented Latino Students
- Effectiveness of Time Management Training on Nursing Students’ Academic Achievement and Resilience
- Educational Resilience and Academic Achievement of Immigrant Students from Ghana in an Urban School Environment
- Resilience Building in Students: The Role of Academic Self-Efficacy
- Promoting persistence: Peer group influences on students’ re-engagement following academic problems and setbacks
- Promoting resilience through adversity: increasing positive outcomes for expelled students
- Promoting resilience among nursing students in clinical education
- Motivation and Academic Resilience: Developing a Model for Student Enhancement
- “I get knocked down but I get up again”: Integrative frameworks for studying the development of motivational resilience in school
- The role of classroom relationships as sources of academic resilience and hope
- Enhancing attention and memory during video-recorded lectures
- Black Students’ Perceptions of Campus Climates and the Effect on Academic Resilience
- Chinese adolescents’ belief in a just world and academic resilience: The mediating role of perceived academic competence
- VIA character strengths among U.S. college students and their associations with happiness, well-being, resiliency, academic success and psychopathology
- Introduction to the special section: Mindfulness in me and in you—Measurement, development, and implications for adolescents’ emotional and academic resilience
- Interaction between Academic Resilience and Academic Achievement of Teacher Trainees
- Classroom culture promotes academic resiliency
- Resilience and Psychological Well-Being of Higher Education Students During COVID-19: The Mediating Role of Perceived Distress